Today I started a gratitude journal. It's so easy to get wrapped up in the negatives of life (especially in today's economy) that we need to make a conscious effort to concentrate on the good things in life. I started by writing down all of the negative things that have consumed my mind for way too long. Now that they are on paper, I don't have to think about them anymore. I am going to just share a couple of things I am grateful for just this morning:
1) My sister just found out she's having a baby!!!! The baby (Vivian) in the post below will be 18 months when she becomes an older sister. And her older brother Sam will be 3.
2) Terry, my neighbour down the street just plowed my drive and walks and I never have to ask. He is truly a gift from God!!
3) I have 2 awesome boys (shown here with my friend Susan and me on New Year's Eve) that make me proud every day!! (a little blury but it was dark, with no flash and handheld).
4) The Browns just hired a new head coach!!
Be grateful today!