I just want to take this opportunity to thank everyone in my life for a wonderful wedding season. First of all, thank you mom! Without you, not only would I not exist, but I would not have made it through 10 years of weddings with my sanity. Thank you Bill! You are an amazing photographer and friend. Thank you Taylor and Trevor, for being so understanding when I miss your football games and spend way too much time on the computer. I love you both ttttthhhhhiiiiiissssss much! Thank you Susan for all the technical support, referrals, margaritas and most of all your friendship! Thank to Vern for your phone support. I miss you! Thank you Toby and Michelle, for being such a help with the boys. Thank you Dad. Even though we don't always see eye to eye I am thankful for everything you have given me. I love you. I know this is starting to sound like an acceptance speech for the Emmy's...but last but not least...thank you clients and friends for allowing me to photograph your lives. I am truly thankful for you giving me that opportunity. And for those of you who are patiently waiting for your pictures for the holidays...I have to close for now so I can get those ready for you...Happy Holidays!!